
Contoh Email Ke Calon Profesor Pembimbing

Halo Sobat Shantycr7 ;). Seperti judulnya diatas bahwa postinganku ini menampilkan rujukan email (email yang kukirim sendiri ke Prof yg di CYCU, Taiwan) yang juga dapat menjadi referensi buat teman yang ingin mengontak atau menghubungi salah seorang profesor di universitas daerah teman mau apply beasiswa (ini mengingat ada beberapa orang yg request ke saya bagaimana menciptakan email ngeriqest profesor untuk jadi calon adviser atau pembimbing kita ketika kuliah di universitas yang kita tuju).

Oya email ini kukirim waktu saya belum wisuda, masih dalam proses mau wisuda lebih tepatnya gres selesai sidang meja hijau. Semoga dapat bermanfaat ya, check this out !

Subject: Inquire Research Information in Department of International Business , CYCU

Excuse me Prof,

My name is Susi Susanti Tindaon, 22 years old, female. I am an Indonesian citizen. I have passed the simpulan exam by doing well my simpulan mini thesis in Department of Economics, State University of Medan, Province of North Sumatera and got the simpulan GPA 3.58 out of 4.00. I have diclared to have graduated after finishing my mini thesis’s examination (oral defense) on July 22, 2013 and just be waiting for my graduation ceremony on this last October. Now, I am preparing my self to apply the scholarship in the Department of International Business in Chung Yuan Christian University, enroll 2014 Spring.

I got your contact from http://www.ib.cycu.edu.tw/en/fac-page.php?new_id=19&big_id=1 and http://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/active_project/cycu2500h_01/paperv3/list/NSCstyle.jsp?idcode=11196&sYear=1961&eYear=2013. I have read your resume there and got information that you are one of the assistant professors in graduate kegiatan in Department of International Business and I saw your background education stated that you are expert in International Political Economy, East Asian Economics, as well as Business Ethics and Social Responsibility which I interested to research about and plan to join to your research if I am accepted. I also have read your papers viewed in the website which have made me more sure that your research interests is same like me, more over about your case study researchs, you know Prof I really appreciate it and really interested in conducting it. Beside that I really impressed and interested in the titles of your other researchs prove that you are one of the great professor there I like the most because your research’s topic is the same with I demand and interest too. I think it will be interesting and challenging if I can conduct research match with your research interest.

I am planning to pursue my master degree in Department of International Business of  CYCU by CYCU scholarship in the beginning of next year and want to request you as my adviser as long as study as a graduate student. I have known also that you are really care and so kind to all of your students, so by this email I propose to join in your research and Lab if I am accepted by CYCU scholarship, I am pleased if I could direct discuss about my research with you. I should be grateful if you would send me information concerning application and entry procedures, and any relevant information 

I sincerely hope that you will reply this email and great thanks for time you read this message.

Sincerely yours,

Susi Susanti Tindaon

Postingan Terkait:

Contoh Study Plan Beasiswa ke Taiwan

Sumber http://shantycr7.blogspot.com

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