
✔ Laravel 5.5 Socialite Login With Social Media Facebook, Twitter #Part2

Laravel 5.5 tutorial for beginners : this lesson will show you how to create login or register with facebook in laravel 5.5 apps using socialite package.

at the previews lesson, we have create simple login with twitter using socialite, just open this link Laravel 5.5 login with Twitter

Video Tutorial Socialite Login with Facebook

Video Tutorial Laravel 5.5 Socialite Login with Twitter 

Setting up Facebook App

First step you need to create new Facebook app, just follow this link developers.facebook.com

Then, create your first facebook login app.

Adding Services Laravel Project

Next, add facebook services to our services in config/services.php file
 'facebook' => [       'client_id' => '289510921554599',       'client_secret' => 'd099adaa59b928962e98584555645883',       'redirect' => 'http://scqq.dev/login/facebook/callback'     ], 

See you next lessons ...
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