Latihan Soal Toefl Bumn Pt. Pertamina (Persero) Tahun 2018 Gratis
Sejarah Berdiri PT Pertamina (Persero)

Sebelum tahun 2001 PT Pertamina mendapat hak monopoli pendirian SPBU yang ada di wilayah Indonesia namun sehabis itu kebijakan ini dihapuskan dan berdirilah SPBU-SPBU lain dari pihak swasta menyerupai PT Shell Indonesia, PT Total Oil Indonesia dan PT Petronas Niaga Indonesia.
Sebagai perusahaan minyak terbesar di Indonesia PT. Pertamina (Persero) ketika ini sedang mengoperasikan tujuh kilang minyak raksasa dengan kapasitas maksimum 1.051,7 MBSD, kemudian pabrik Petrokimia dengan kapasitas total 1.507.950 ton per tahun kemudian pabrik LPG dengan kapasitas total 102,3 juta ton per tahun. [Sumber : Wikipedia]
Profil PT. Pertamina
PT Pertamina merupakan perusahaan yang beroperasi pada dibidang minyak bumi, gas alam dan energi gres lainnya milik negara dengan beberapa prinsip tata kelola yang sangat baik dan bisa bersaing dengan perusaan minyak bumi lainnya tingkat dunia.
PT Pertamina telah bangun semenjak 56 tahun yang kemudian dan berbekal pengalaman panjang tersebutlah Pertamina semakin percaya diri dalam menjalankan acara bisnis secara profesional dalam menjalankan hal teknis proses pengolahan hulu hingga proses pengolahan hilir yang siap untuk konsumsi oleh masyarakat luas. Cita-cita Pertamina kedepan ialah menjadi perusaan yang berperan dalam memperlihatkan nilai tambah bagi kemajuan dan kesejahteraan negeri ini. [Sumber : PT Pertamina]
Latihan Soal Toefl BUMN Pt. Pertamina (Persero) Gratis
Dalam banyak sekali tes penerimaan (rekrutmen) yang diadakan oleh PT Pertamina tidak pernah terlepas dari tes Psikotes Pertamina, Tes Wawancara dan juga tes Toefl Pertamina tahun 2018. Untuk itulah kali ini kami memberikan contoh soal toefl PT Pertamina (Persero) gratis tanpa d0wnl0ad dan sudah disertai dengan kunci balasan pembahasan yang benar. Berikut ini soalnnya:
Structure and Written Expression
1.A three-foot octopus can crawl through a hole ------ in diameter.
(A)than one inch less
(B)less than one inch
(C)one less inch than
(D)than less one inch
2.------ adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.
(B)When Canada
(C)Canada, which
(D)There was Canada
3.Generally, the representatives ------ a legislature are constitutionally elected by a broad spectrum of the population.
(A)who they compose
(B)who compose
(C)had compose
4.The Actor’s Studio, a professional actors’ workshop in New York City, provides ------whereactors can work together without the pressure of commercial production.
(A)a place and
(B)a place
(C)so that a place
(D)a place is
5.------ that life began billions of years ago in the water.
(A)It is believed
(B)In the belief
(C)The belief
6.By 1872 the United States had 70 engineering
colleges, ------ astonishing expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862.
(C)to which
7.The artist Romare Bcarden was ------ whose yellows, deep blues, and fuchsias contrasted strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages.
(A)with a gift for color
(B)a gifted colorist
(C)a gift with colorful
(D)gifted with coloring
8.The most important chemical catalyst on this planet is chlorophyll, -------carbon dioxide and water react to form carbohydrates.
(A)whose presence
(B)which is present
(D)in the presence of which
9.One theory of the origin of the universe is-------from the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball several billion years ago.
(A)because what formed
(B)the formation that
(C)that it formed
(D)when forming
10.Roads in the United States remained crude,------- with graved or wood planks, until the beginning of the twentieth century.
(A)were unsurefaced or they covered them
(B)which unsureface or covered
(C)unsurfaced or covered them
(D)unsurfaced or covered
11.Portrait prints were the first reproductions of American paintings ------- widely distributed in the United States.
(B)that which
(C)that being
(D)to be
12.Abigail Adams was prodigious letter writer, ------- many editions of her letters have been published.
(C)in addition to
(D)due to
13.In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points -------distances from two fixed points is constant.
(A)which as the sum of
(B)of the sum which
(C)whose sum of whose
(D)whose sum that the
14. -------at the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted Police, Calgary is now one of Canada’s fastest growing cities.
(B)It is built
(C)To build
(D)Having built
15.An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that -------express.
(A)take many words to otherwise would.
(B)would take to many otherwise words
(C)many words to take would otherwise
(D)would otherwise take many words to
Answers for the structure and written expression section:
1.(B)less than one inch
2. (A)Canada
3. (B)who compose
4. (B)a place
5. (A)It is believed
6. (B)an
7. (B)a gifted colorist
8. (D)in the presence of which
9. (C)that it formed
10. (D)unsurfaced or covered
11. (D)to be
12. (B)and
13. (C)whose sum of whose
14. (A)Built
15. (D)would otherwise take many words to
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