✔ Lumen Api Tutorial : How To Installing Lumen 5.3 Laravel 5.3 Components Using Composer
Lumen 5.3 API Tutorial for beginners - This lesson will show you how to install Lumen 5.3 with Laravel 5.3 Components using composer in windows, at the previews lessons we have learn about install Laravel 5.3 using composer, please read :
Install Laravel 5.4 using Composer
The Lumen framework has a few system requirements. Of course, all of these requirements are satisfied by the Laravel Homestead virtual machine, so it's highly recommended that you use Homestead as your local Lumen development environment.
However, if you are not using Homestead, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
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Install Laravel 5.4 using Composer
Video Tutorial How to Install Lumen 5.3
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However, if you are not using Homestead, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 5.6.4
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
All of the configuration options for the Lumen framework are stored in the .env file. Once Lumen is installed, you should also configure your local environment.Application Key
The next thing you should do after installing Lumen is set your application key to a random string. Typically, this string should be 32 characters long. The key can be set in the .env environment file. If you have not renamed the .env.example file to .env, you should do that now. If the application key is not set, your user encrypted data will not be secure!More Lumen Video's
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